
One off custom pedal for Tone.

No, that's not the elusive tone that everyone who plays guitar is supposedly searching for. It's for Tone from Guitarnerd who does most of my artwork here at Tym guitars....

One off custom pedal for Tone.

No, that's not the elusive tone that everyone who plays guitar is supposedly searching for. It's for Tone from Guitarnerd who does most of my artwork here at Tym guitars....

Tym Wosrite Versatone deluxe

Back before "professional collectors" took all the fun out of being obsessed with things, I had a serious problem with acquiring Mosrites. These wonderful guitars were reasonably hard to get...

Tym Wosrite Versatone deluxe

Back before "professional collectors" took all the fun out of being obsessed with things, I had a serious problem with acquiring Mosrites. These wonderful guitars were reasonably hard to get...

Tym Perspex Wosrite

Back in the dark ages of Tym guitars I used to make guitars using materials that were, generally speaking, not used for guitar making. People had used most of them...

Tym Perspex Wosrite

Back in the dark ages of Tym guitars I used to make guitars using materials that were, generally speaking, not used for guitar making. People had used most of them...

My devolution charity auction

Humans can be amazing creatures. I personally know many of them that never cease to amaze me with how their brains work on ridiculously complex problems and incredible artistic ideas...

My devolution charity auction

Humans can be amazing creatures. I personally know many of them that never cease to amaze me with how their brains work on ridiculously complex problems and incredible artistic ideas...

Tym Mudderfuzzer

This is the new "shop only" fuzz to join the Mini Mud which is a series of pedals that are ONLY available by coming into the shop to buy. They are not...

Tym Mudderfuzzer

This is the new "shop only" fuzz to join the Mini Mud which is a series of pedals that are ONLY available by coming into the shop to buy. They are not...

Tym Vibratone Rhythm

Back when I used to make lots of guitars I'd try a lot of new ideas that I thought might work for me as a player, and therefor maybe other...

Tym Vibratone Rhythm

Back when I used to make lots of guitars I'd try a lot of new ideas that I thought might work for me as a player, and therefor maybe other...