
The Tym Buzz Boost

With the business affected by C-19 I've had to refocus some attention to things I can do and put time into. I'm always busy, and have plenty to do but...

The Tym Buzz Boost

With the business affected by C-19 I've had to refocus some attention to things I can do and put time into. I'm always busy, and have plenty to do but...

Tym Fuzz Box FY-2

The wonderful Shen-Ei FY-2 has been a long time favourite of mine. It was an early fuzz I built after the BUZZrite and the FUZZ. Like the Fuzzrite it's a...

Tym Fuzz Box FY-2

The wonderful Shen-Ei FY-2 has been a long time favourite of mine. It was an early fuzz I built after the BUZZrite and the FUZZ. Like the Fuzzrite it's a...

Tym Murder Hornet

With C-19 still affecting many countries including Australia I am making some special edition pedals while the shop is closed due to the health and economic fallout. The first pedal...

Tym Murder Hornet

With C-19 still affecting many countries including Australia I am making some special edition pedals while the shop is closed due to the health and economic fallout. The first pedal...

Tym BUZZrite Deluxe

As anyone who hangs around here knows the Mosrite Fuzzrite was the first pedal I ever made. Being Mosrite obsessed and thinking I'd never own a real one, I made one,...

Tym BUZZrite Deluxe

As anyone who hangs around here knows the Mosrite Fuzzrite was the first pedal I ever made. Being Mosrite obsessed and thinking I'd never own a real one, I made one,...

Tym OD-DIST special

With the shop closed and me not having the parts I need to build some things I've been looking around the workshop and finding "stuff" I can work on to...

Tym OD-DIST special

With the shop closed and me not having the parts I need to build some things I've been looking around the workshop and finding "stuff" I can work on to...

1965/66 Pleasant SEL-220 hotrod

I call these projects "hotrods" and it's a way for me to use up perfectly good vintage bodies and necks I have used for parts over the years to restore...

1965/66 Pleasant SEL-220 hotrod

I call these projects "hotrods" and it's a way for me to use up perfectly good vintage bodies and necks I have used for parts over the years to restore...