
Earthless. Live at Tym guitars on Tym records

The music world is constantly full of great bands. Truly great bands. Anyone who says otherwise isn't trying hard enough. In amongst those great bands there are bands that still...

Earthless. Live at Tym guitars on Tym records

The music world is constantly full of great bands. Truly great bands. Anyone who says otherwise isn't trying hard enough. In amongst those great bands there are bands that still...

Tym Violet Ram Head

​I guess this one was always coming, I just had to wait until I found the circuit I was really happy with.The Ram Head is my favourite version of the...

Tym Violet Ram Head

​I guess this one was always coming, I just had to wait until I found the circuit I was really happy with.The Ram Head is my favourite version of the...

Mosrite Japan Ventures model II

I seem to be on a real "slab body" kick lately. I've done quite a few stories about copies I've made in both original form and Johnny's version as well...

Mosrite Japan Ventures model II

I seem to be on a real "slab body" kick lately. I've done quite a few stories about copies I've made in both original form and Johnny's version as well...

TYM035 featuring BUDD's 12" EP Yakfat out July ...

Back in the late eighties a musical movement was forming in the north west of the US that was eventually going to kick the world into believing again.Early protagonists of...

TYM035 featuring BUDD's 12" EP Yakfat out July ...

Back in the late eighties a musical movement was forming in the north west of the US that was eventually going to kick the world into believing again.Early protagonists of...

Tym records releasing Steve Turner EP in June

Steve Turner is known to many but some of you who don't know the name have almost definitely heard his music. After some smaller bands in the early 80's he...

Tym records releasing Steve Turner EP in June

Steve Turner is known to many but some of you who don't know the name have almost definitely heard his music. After some smaller bands in the early 80's he...

Tym vinyl record fuzzes

Here's another silly idea I came up with to make something special for Record store day this year. I remembered in high school making perspex peanut bowls by putting the...

Tym vinyl record fuzzes

Here's another silly idea I came up with to make something special for Record store day this year. I remembered in high school making perspex peanut bowls by putting the...